Il corso è mirato a raggiungere il livello avanzato C1 del Quadro di Riferimento Comune Europeo (CEFR), a questo livello si richiede la capacità di interagire in modo davvero efficace con il mondo e la cultura, i media e le persone di lingua inglese, dimostrando di saper comprendere un’ampia gamma di testi impegnativi e lunghi, di saper riconoscere i registri e le sfumature di significato in testi scritti o nella comunicazione orale dimostrando infine di saper usare un linguaggio appropriato, flessibile ed efficace per scopi sociali, accademici e professionali in contesti parlati e scritti
Main contents of this course:
Each lesson includes grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. All these contents will be studied actively, every new topic will be immediately put into practice with active and stimulating exercises involving listening and speaking activities.
At this level the more complex structures such as past modals need revising and several new advanced structures, such as inversion and ellipsis, will be introduced, Grammar is often presented functionally,e.g. the structures to use for distancing, or for adding emphasis, how to sound formal or informal (registers).
As an advanced student you will systematically expand your vocabulary in a wide range of lexical areas such as personality, work and learning languages, word building (various), phrases with get, conflict and warfare, sounds and the human voice, describing books and films, expression with time, money, art, health and medicine (similes) travel and tourism, words often confused, preparing food and more.
It is a main activity in the course. You will discuss up-to-date stimulating topics to get you talking and exchanging opinions, learning key words and phrases appropriate to the topic, learning to adapt your spoken English to a variety of situations and registers and develop your fluency as well as practicing in recognizing and using markers in speech.
These are other key activities in the course, all the listening material has motivating texts and tasks with an increasing level of challenge and exposure to a wide variety of authentic longer conversations, and a wide variety of accents and colloquial spoken language. The reading tasks are designed to help you read better through engaging and stimulating topics and by practicing in guessing the meaning of unknown lexis.
You will practice clear models of common text types focusing on “micro” skills, e.g. writing a good introduction, topic sentences and developing an awareness of register, structure, and fixed phrases learning also the key success factors in each writing lesson.
ADULTI (+18): VENERDì 17.50 – 19.50. 20 Lezioni dal 23 Febbraio al 12 Luglio per un totale di 40 ore*
RAGAZZI (+18): VENERDì 16.00- 17.30. 20 Lezioni dal 23 Febbraio al 12 Luglio per un totale di 30 ore*
*Giorni e orari possono subire variazioni e vanno riconfermati al momento dell’iscrizione